Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 1

Monday February 14 -
Today we finished our model homes on Google Sketchup and posted them onto our blog. Final day to add components and fix last minute details.

Tuesday February 15-
Today we looked at a Cad tutorial note on moodle and posted it onto our blog. We also started Module 4 on AutoCad and learned the trim and offset command.

Wednesday February 16-
Today we learned how to use the offset and trim tool on Autocad and did various small assignments to practice. Then we posted them onto our blog.

Thursday February 17-
Today we did more excersices practising offset and trim on Autocad, I finished 1.3 and started on 1.6. Later we will add dimensions to these drawings.

Friday February 18-
Today we did a few more drawings on Autocad and started to talk about the tutorial we will be starting on Tuesday.  

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