Monday, February 28, 2011

Single Point Perspective
Perspective drawing is a good style to use when drawing in 3D. There are different styles including single point and two point perspective. The basic example below shows how to construct a simple single point perspective drawing of a cube. Using the same skills more complex drawings/designs can be drawn, after a little practice.

Two Point Perspective
Perspective is a realistic way of drawing objects in 3D. We have already looked at single point perspective, two point perspective using two vanishing points and when an object is drawn in this way it is even more realistic than if it were to be drawn with a single vanishing point.

Oblique Projection
Oblique projection is a method of drawing objects in 3 dimensions. It is quite a simple techniquecompared to isometric or even perspective drawing. However, to draw accurately in oblique projection traditional drawing equipment is needed (see diagram below).

Week 3

Monday February 28-
Today we learned about Single point, two point, and three point drawings. We took notes on them and posted them onto our blog. I used the extra time we had to post previous assignments onto my blog and add descriptions.

Tuesday March 1-
Today we started another CADPROblem, 2.7. In the process of learning the polar and object snap tools.

Wednesday March 2-
Today we answered more questions on AutoCad and did more practice quizzes to study for our test tomorrow.

Thursday March 3-
Today we did our test on the computer and emailed it to Mr.D. Then we continued to work on our drawings on AutoCad.

Friday March 4-
Today I finished drawing 2.7 and learned how to use the polar array command on AutoCad.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Notes and Leaders

Dimensioning Holes and Round Features

Dimensioning Basics

Week 2

Monday February 21-
Family Day, no school

Tuesday February 22-
We started a tutorial on moodle that will help us learn how to make layers and 3D objects on Autocad.

Wednesday February 23-
Continued working on the Autocad tutorial, finished the front view and worked on the side view.

Thursday February 24-
Finished the Autocad tutorial, all three views, and posted them onto our blog.Learned the basics of the tool object snap.

Friday February 25-
Today we did quizzes online to learn about Mechanical Dimensioning and then we posted them onto our blog for study notes later on.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Orthographic Projection and Multiview Constructions

If the projection lines are parallel to each other and the image plane is also
perpendicular (normal) to the projection
lines, the result is what is known as an
orthographic projection.
In performing orthographic projection, each of 2D views shows only two of the three dimensions
(height, width, and depth) of the 3D object.

Week 1

Monday February 14 -
Today we finished our model homes on Google Sketchup and posted them onto our blog. Final day to add components and fix last minute details.

Tuesday February 15-
Today we looked at a Cad tutorial note on moodle and posted it onto our blog. We also started Module 4 on AutoCad and learned the trim and offset command.

Wednesday February 16-
Today we learned how to use the offset and trim tool on Autocad and did various small assignments to practice. Then we posted them onto our blog.

Thursday February 17-
Today we did more excersices practising offset and trim on Autocad, I finished 1.3 and started on 1.6. Later we will add dimensions to these drawings.

Friday February 18-
Today we did a few more drawings on Autocad and started to talk about the tutorial we will be starting on Tuesday.